03 August 2010

Just Another Picture to Burn

I love Taylor Swift, and my sister and I just attempted to burn pictures... didn't really work out because they don't actually buurrnn. Any way, we just ripped them up. But speaking of pictures, here are a few I snapped the other day, just close ups.


Anonymous said...

Lovely pics:) I like the turquoise nails...I have a colour almost exactly the same. You should play around with your pics and have fun editing them and just go wild and experiment....don't worry how good they are....just get going and you'll get better as you go along.....I use photoshop btw...so if u have any q's I'd be happy to try help:)

www.lawyerwanna.be said...

they burn a little, but ripping them is probably easier lol.
I want a ring like yours :(

Sartre said...

hi, can you tell me what brand you gorgeous nail polis is?

isabella thordsen said...

love your nails!

Unknown said...

love the pics and i now have taylor swift song stuck in my head lol xxxx

Samantha said...

siimone, i couldnt figure out how to comment on your blog haha... i cant for the life of me find the bottle of polish right now of courseee haha but OPI carries a color called Cuckoo for Color that is similar.. I'll inform you of my cheap-o brand when I find it!
Thanks for the comments everyone :)